7 FREE Christian Magazines

Did you know that there are good Christian magazines out there that you can get for FREE? If you like to read, but are looking for something to read in addition to books, then it may be worth your time to check out these free Christian magazines. Some of them are hard copies, and some of them are pdf versions of their magazine. Either way, they are free, and they are chock-full of good information.

1. The Voice of the Martyrs

The Voice of the Martyrs was founded in 1967 by Romanian pastor Richard Wurmbrand. After the USSR took over Romania in 1944, Wurmbrand worked with the underground church, which eventually led to his arrest and 14 years of torture and persecution in Communist prison. Eventually, Wurmbrand was ransomed out and came to the United States. Since Wurmbrand founded the organization, it has worked tirelessly to keep Christians in the Western world informed about the persecution that our brothers and sisters around the world are going through, as well as providing opportunities to help. The Voice of the Martyrs magazine is the official publication of this organization.

2. The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (JETS)

The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society is the official publication of the Evangelical Theological Society. Each publication is full of information about various topics from an evangelical perspective. All of the free issues of the Journal are available in pdf format. There is a limitation to this, however. The most recent two years of publications are not available online. In order to obtain the issues from the most recent two years, you have to become a member of the Society or subscribe to obtain them. Despite this, there are still 60 volumes available for anyone who wants to read them.

3. Preacher's Magazine

Designed for those who preach, Preacher's Magazine is a helpful aid to those in ministry. Each edition will help enable you to become a better preacher of God's Word. They offer a free pdf download of the most recent edition of the magazine. This is one that those in ministry do not want to miss!

4. Grace And Peace Magazine

Grace and Peace magazine is a free online magazine intended for Nazarene clergy. However, this does not mean that it is not useful to those who are not part of the Church of the Nazarene denomination. The website is full of articles that will help ministers from any denomination. Each issue of the magazine is available for free online and as a pdf download. To access the magazine, simply click on its image in the right-hand column of the home screen. To download, simply click on the download arrow at the top of the next screen. You can also download previous issues in the same way.

5. Christian History Magazine

Christian History magazine is the official magazine of the Christian History Institute. If you like Church history, or if you want to learn more about the subject, then you will like this magazine. While the Christian History Institute does charge for a hard copy of the magazine, it is free to download a pdf of each issue. Overall, this is a good magazine for those who love the history of the Church.

6. Messiah Magazine

Messiah Magazine is a publication of First Fruits of Zion ministries. There is more than one way to get a free subscription to the magazine if you live in the United States or Canada. If you live outside these regions, you can still obtain a free pdf copy of the magazine by simply creating an account on their website. Go check them out!

Remnant Magazine is a magazine that is put out by the Holiness Partnership. While, to my knowledge, a physical copy is not available, the magazine is made available for free on the website of The Holiness Partnership. Typical topics addressed in this magazine include issues related to the church, discipleship, and the doctrine of Christian holiness.


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