About Me


My name is Travis Stockelman, and I started Nazarene Caffeine in May of 2020 as an outlet for writing on various biblical and theological topics from a Wesleyan perspective. Prior to beginning Nazarene Caffeine, I wrote for various Christian websites on topics such as the Bible, theology, and apologetics. I decided to found Nazarene Caffeine as an outlet where I could write about topics that I am passionate about. I had a desire to correct misunderstandings about the Bible and theology, while also sharing, articulating, and defending my Wesleyan theological roots.

I am also currently the Senior Pastor at Georgetown Church of the Nazarene in Georgetown, Ohio. This is a position that I took on August 6, 2023. While here, we have seen God do great things, and we have had the opportunity to celebrate baptisms, receive new members, and see lives changed by Jesus Christ. If you live in Brown County, Ohio and are looking for a church, you are invited to join us on Sundays or Wednesdays. You can find more information about us at our website.

I hold a B.A. Min. from Nazarene Bible College and am currently pursuing an M.Div. from Wesley Biblical Seminary. I graduated from Nazarene Bible College in 2020, although I was unable to walk the stage until 2021. After graduation from NBC, I began attending Nazarene Theological Seminary until I eventually transferred to Wesley Biblical Seminary in the Summer of 2021, where I am currently finishing an M.Div. Honors Research.

Don't forget to check out "Pastor's Corner", where I write about the practical application of Scripture.


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