As with the past two Articles of Faith, our ninth Article of Faith is currently undergoing some revision and is in the process of being ratified with new language. This new language does not change the meaning of the old, but rather updates outdated language. As before, items in brackets are words being deleted, and words that are in italics are words that are being added. Our ninth Article of Faith covers the subjects of Justification, Regeneration, and Adoption, and states: We believe that justification is the gracious and judicial act of God by which He grants full pardon of all guilt and complete release from the penalty of sins committed, and acceptance as righteous, to all who believe on Jesus Christ and receive Him as Lord and Savior. We believe that regeneration, or the new birth, is that gracious work of God whereby the moral nature of the repentant believer is spiritually quickened and given a distinctively spiritual life, capable of faith, love, and obedience. We
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