5 Reasons to Pray

Let's face it: Many of us don't spend enough time in prayer. Looking at recent statistics, the prayer life of the average Christian is likely almost non-existent. To motivate those of you whose prayer life may be lacking, here are five reasons why we should pray daily:

1. It humbles us. When we hit our knees, we are reminded that we are not the ones who are in charge. God is.

2. It helps us grow in love. This is especially true if we pray for those who persecute us and mistreat us, as Jesus taught us to do. Praying for them is a way of loving them, and as we pray for them, we will find ourselves loving them more and more.

3. We are commanded to pray. Jesus did not tell the disciples, when He provided the model prayer, "IF you pray, pray like this...." Rather, He commanded His disciples, "WHEN you pray, pray like this......." Jesus intended for us to be a praying people.

4. It helps us draw near to God. Prayer is communication with God, and we naturally grow closer to those with whom we communicate regularly.

5. It is a way in which we can imitate Jesus. If we want to be Christ-like, then we have to do the things that Christ did. Christ made regular time for prayer, and so should we.

Recommended Resource: Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer, The


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