The Fifth Prayer of Christmas

Dear Jesus,

We adore You on this, the fifth day of Christmas. On this day, Lord, we remember Your instruction that You gave us in the Pentateuch. We remember how, from the earliest chapters of Genesis, You gave us a promise that You would come and crush the serpent's head. We remember that You are the God of the Exodus, and that the Exodus from Egypt foreshadowed a greater Exodus from sin. We remember, Lord, how the Levitical sacrifices point forward to Your ultimate Sacrifice for our sins. We remember that You are the Prophet like Moses, who was promised. Lord,  thank You for Your Pentateuch, its moral instruction, and its foreshadowing of You, the Christ.

Lord, we confess that we fall short of the Law's demands every single day, several times each day. Lord, if we had to be justified by the Law, then no one could be justified in Your sight. Lord, the Law serves to show us how sinful we truly are. By it no one is justified, but by it, we realize our need of You and Your grace. We confess that we need Your grace and that, without it, we are hopeless.

Thank You Jesus, that You have given us the Law, so that mankind may become aware of our sins and shortcomings, and realize the need for You, Your Sacrifice, and Your grace. Thank You, Jesus, that You fulfilled the Law and kept it perfectly. Thank You that You died as the Sacrifice for our sins, as foreshadowed in Leviticus. Thank You that You crushed the serpent's head, as prophesied in Genesis 3. Thank You that You are the Prophet like Moses, who stands in a face-to-face relationship with God, and that You make intercession on our behalf. Thank You Jesus.

Lord, we pray that You will give us a deeper understanding of Your written word. Lord, we often gloss over the parts of Scripture that we don't understand, and this often includes Your written word in the Pentateuch. Lord, we pray that as we read and study Your word, including the Pentateuch, that we will become even more aware of our need for You. Awaken a deep desire in each and every one of us, Lord, that we may desire only You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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