The Eighth Prayer of Christmas

Dear Jesus,

We adore You. On this, the eighth day of Christmas, we remember Your teaching. You have taught us how we should live to honor God, and honor You, and to honor the Holy Spirit. For this, we adore You. We remember especially Your Sermon on the Mount, and especially the Beatitudes.. Lord, in this simple message, You taught us to be humble. You told us to be poor in spirit. You taught us to mourn over our sins. You taught us to be meek. You taught us to hunger and thirst after righteousness. You taught us to be merciful. You taught us to be pure in heart. You taught us to be peacemakers. You reminded us that there is a blessing for those who are persecuted for Your sake. Jesus, this teaching is straightforward. Yet it is perhaps the most difficult teaching to put into practice. Lord, we need a constant reminder of how to apply this to our lives.

Jesus, we confess that we fall short of Your teaching. We fail to be poor in spirit. We fail to mourn and be broken over our sin. We fail to be meek. We fail to chase after righteousness. We fail to be merciful. Often times, we don't have the right heart when we come to You. Oftentimes, we stir up a situation rather than play the peacemaker. Lord, many of us confess that we would remain faithful when persecution comes, but how many of us would back this up with action? You, Lord, know the answer to this.

Jesus we thank You for Your teaching, and we thank You for Your mercy. Lord, we thank You for Your teaching, because it is a firm foundation. By it, our lives are ordered in such a way as to please God. Lord, we thank You for Your mercy because we fall short every single day. Thank You for picking us up when we fall, Lord.

Jesus, we ask that You continue to lead us as we put Your teaching into practice day by day. Pick us up when we fall down, and have mercy on us when we fail. Teach us how to build on the solid rock of Your teaching, even in the difficult circumstances of life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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