A Holy Response
Scripture: “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and
exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above
him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their
faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And
they were calling to one another: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the
whole earth is full of his glory.’ At the sound of their voices the doorposts and
thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. ‘Woe to me!’ I cried. ‘
I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of
unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.’ Then one of
the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with
tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, ‘See, this has
touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.’ Then I
heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for
us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. send me!’”
(Isaiah 6:1-8).
The other day I read a story about two brothers who
were always getting in trouble. When something went missing around town, or
some act of vandalism happened, the boys’ mother always suspected the two of
them. Knowing about a pastor in town who was very successful at disciplining
children, the mother decided to take her two boys to him. She took the younger
boy, who was 8, to the pastor in the morning. The pastor sat the boy down in a
chair across the room from him and asked him, “Do you know where God is?” The
boy refused to answer. The pastor then said, in a slightly raised voice, “Where
is God?” The boy still refused to answer. Finally, the pastor got up walked
across the room to where the boy was, and shouted “WHERE IS GOD?” This
frightened the boy so much that he ran out of the church and all the way back
to his house, and hid in a closet. When his older brother found him, he asked,
“Why are you hiding in the closet?” The boy replied, “We’re in big trouble this
time. God is missing, and they think we had something to do with it.” Let me
assure you today that God is not missing, but He does have a message. These two
boys misunderstood something about God, and it evoked an improper response on
their part.
passage that I would like us to look at today comes from the book of Isaiah,
chapter 6, verses 1 through 8. This is, in my opinion, one of the most amazing
passages of Scripture from one of the most amazing books of Scripture. Isaiah
is perhaps, after Elijah, the most famous prophet of the Old Testament, and
there is good reason for that. The prophecies that Isaiah wrote around 700
years before Christ are absolutely amazing. However, we will not be looking at
a prophecy today. We will be looking at Isaiah’s call.
calling of Isaiah is perhaps the most famous of all the prophetic callings in
Scripture, and for good reason. In God’s calling of Isaiah, God reveals His
holiness and majesty in an unmistakable way to Isaiah and, ultimately, to us.
It is this glimpse of God’s holiness that I want us to grasp today.
have a fairly close relationship with the book of Isaiah. When I was younger,
he was the only Old Testament prophet that I knew had prophesied about the
coming of Jesus Christ. I especially enjoyed the later passages of this book,
which brought me comfort and encouragement. Isaiah 53 has always been one of my
favorite passages of Scripture.
I recently went through
some personal struggles, and the book of Isaiah is where I turned to for
comfort. In this book of Scripture, I have found comfort, joy, assurance, and,
most of all, the holiness of God. It is this latter topic that will be covered
by the sermon this evening. I did not have a strong understanding of God’s
holiness before I read and studied this passage. Of course, I knew that God was
holy, but this was just head knowledge until I began to look deeply at this
passage. This passage has helped me catch a glimpse of the majesty and
magnitude of God’s holiness.
This glimpse of God’s holiness is something that I
hope everyone here catches by the end of this sermon. If we don’t catch this
glimpse of God’s holiness, we will miss out on an amazing vision and risk
falling short of what we are called to do. I am convinced that the reason that
the church has been less than effective in the United States in recent years is
because many have lost the glimpse of God’s holiness. We want to have this
vision because it brings health and wholeness to the Body of Christ.
is a story that has been told about a man who went to the doctor because he was
experiencing pain all over his body. His hand hurt. His side hurt. His back
hurt. His stomach hurt. His head hurt. Finally, the man when to the doctor
about his problems. After several x-rays and several other tests, the doctor
concluded that the patient had a broken finger. The rest of the problems the
man complained about were merely his guesses about what was wrong with himself.
I believe that if we had a better glimpse of God’s holiness, we would give up
anything, or go anywhere, just to respond appropriately to it. Our failure to
glimpse God’s holiness is, in this analogy, our broken finger. We think that
our problems are several other things—not enough small groups, the wrong type
of music in worship, or the wrong curriculum in the youth group. However, all
of these are symptoms, I believe, of something much bigger. Join me and we will
seek to rediscover God’s holiness together and respond to this understanding in
a way that honors Him.
If we want to understand God’s holiness,
we should look to a time when God revealed His holiness.
God makes it abundantly clear to Isaiah and to all who
read of Isaiah’s experience in this passage that He is holy. God is perfectly
holy. He is holy in His very nature. In fact, it is impossible for Him to not
be holy. I believe that this plays out clearly in the text in front of us.
The first thing that we notice in the text is that God
is majestic, seated on a throne. Isaiah writes, “In the
year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a
throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple.” In order to
appreciate this statement, it is important to understand something about King
Uzziah. King Uzziah was a prosperous king of Judah. Under his reign, the people
experienced stability and peace. However, in his later years, Uzziah’s pride
got to him. God punished Uzziah for his pride, and Uzziah ended his life as a
leper, a ceremonially unclean person, cut off from his people.
reigned for fifty-two years. There were individuals who had spent their entire
lives under the reign of King Uzziah. Yet when Uzziah died, naturally there
would be questions concerning the future of the Kingdom. Isaiah likely felt
these tensions, as well, so he went to the temple, and there, God responded to
Isaiah by giving him a glimpse of His holiness. We can now see a clear contrast
between Uzziah and God in this passage. Uzziah is dead, but Yahweh is alive. Uzziah’s
majesty is no longer seen, but Yahweh’s majesty is seen. Most important for
this message is the fact that Uzziah, the unclean king, is dead, but Yahweh,
the perfectly holy God, is still alive and on the throne.
next scene that we see play out involves angelic beings called seraphim
proclaiming God’s holiness to one another. We read, “Above
him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their
faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And
they were calling to one another: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the
whole earth is full of his glory.’” This is perhaps one of the strongest
illustrations of God’s holiness in all of Scripture. We often think of angelic
beings as holy beings, but these holy beings, privileged enough to serve in the
presence of Yahweh, proclaim only God’s holiness. A.W. Tozer makes a remarkable
statement about this. He writes, “We must not think
of God as the highest in an ascending order of beings, starting with the single
cell, and going on up from the fish to the bird to the animal to man to angel
to cherub to God. God is as high above an archangel as above a caterpillar, for
the gulf that separates the archangel from the caterpillar is but finite, while
the gulf between God and the archangel is infinite” (Tozer, 70). In
other words, Yahweh is holy to the maximum degree! His holiness is inherent in
Himself, and He Himself is infinite. No other being, whether man or angel, can
lay claim to this. He is infinitely more holy than we are, and yet He allows us
to catch a small glimpse of His glory here.
the angels were calling out God’s glory, declaring it not once, not twice, but
three times. In Scripture, it is common for an important statement to be made
twice. This is one way that we know it is important. However, as R.C. Sproul
points out, “Only once in sacred Scripture is an
attribute of God elevated to the third degree. Only once is a characteristic of
God mentioned three times in succession. The Bible says that God is holy, holy,
holy. Not that He is merely holy, or even holy, holy. He is holy, holy, holy.
The Bible never says that God is love, love, love; or mercy, mercy, mercy; or
wrath, wrath, wrath; or justice, justice, justice. It does say that he is holy,
holy, holy and that the whole earth is full of His glory” (Sproul, Location
405). God is perfectly holy! His holiness is so great that the angels
that are granted access to His presence must cover their eyes lest they look on
Him in all of His holiness. Their voices made the thresholds of the temple
shake and filled the temple with smoke. Yet as grand as these seraphim are,
they are absolutely nothing in comparison with Yahweh.
passage also teaches us that, when we catch a glimpse of God’s holiness, it
reveals what is in us. Look with me at verse 5. Isaiah responds to his vision
of God’s holiness by recognizing his own sinful state. The amazing thing is
that Isaiah was already following Yahweh, the God of Israel. He was not an
individual with no relationship with God. Rather, his contact with God’s
holiness brought on a deeper realization of the sinfulness even within the
human being who had a relationship with Yahweh. We, who are made a little lower
than the angels, and who are in a state of sinfulness, become even more aware
of our sinfulness when we become aware of God’s holiness. When we see our
sinful condition, we see the need to be justified and sanctified. God’s
holiness exposed Isaiah’s sinful condition.
however, did not leave Isaiah in that sinful condition. Continue to read with
me in verses 6 and 7, “Then one of the seraphim flew to
me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar.
With it he touched my mouth and said, ‘See, this has touched your lips; your
guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.’” It would be wrong to
assume that Isaiah knew about his sinfulness, but God did not. Of course God
knew! However, God would rather cleanse and sanctify an individual than He
would to condemn an individual, and this is precisely what He did with Isaiah.
The coal that was taken from the altar was likely from the sacrifice that was
offered to atone for the sins of the people. In addition to being a shadow of
the ultimate Sacrifice for all sin, this passage shows the application of the
sacrifice to cleanse and sanctify Isaiah.
last thing we see in this passage is how Isaiah responded to this revelation of
God’s holiness. Isaiah responded by accepting Yahweh’s call on his life. Notice
that Isaiah did not yet know what that call was when Yahweh called him. He just
knew that he had to respond. The response of Isaiah was simple and
straightforward: “Here am I. Send me!”
I want everyone to notice the order in which these events took place. First
came a recognition of Isaiah’s sinful state. Then came cleansing and
sanctification. Then came the call. This is how God worked then, and it is how
God still works today. God brings us to an awareness of our own sinful state,
then we receive justification and sanctification by faith, and then God sends
does any of this matter? Does it matter that God is holy? The answer is a
resounding “YES!” Holiness has a moral dimension, meaning that a perfectly holy
God will always be perfectly good.
So, who benefits from our understanding God’s holiness?
To put it simply, three groups benefit. We, ourselves, as individuals, benefit
because we see ourselves in an appropriate light. Our view of ourselves becomes
undistorted in light of God’s holiness. All of our pride can do nothing but
melt away. Second, the church benefits. As I said before, I believe that the
primary problem the church in America has is that it has lost its glimpse of
God’s holiness. Regaining this vision can only serve to strengthen the church.
Finally, the world will benefit. As we catch a glimpse of God’s holiness, that
vision will affect the way in which we live—including every aspect of our
lives. This will invariably leave its mark on those with whom we come into
contact, many of whom do not know Christ. So, in short, everyone will benefit
from our understanding of God’s holiness.
Now that we are beginning to understand God’s holiness and its
importance, what does this mean for our lives?
would like to remind everyone again that God is not missing, contrary to what
the boys in the opening story thought. Rather, He is seated on His throne, high
and exalted, with awesome angels singing about His holiness. We see how the
angels are responding, but how are we to respond?
One piece of information
that I have not shared yet is that, immediately after Isaiah responds, God
informs him that the people he will be sent to will not respond properly.
(Isaiah 6:9-10). Their hearts will grow hard, and will continue to grow harder
with the message that is preached by Isaiah.
Another piece of
information that I would like to add here is that there were professional holy
men, such as priests, during Isaiah’s day, whose sacrifices and offerings God considered
“meaningless” (Isaiah 1:13). God rejected these offerings because their heart
problem was not solved. These professional holy men were simply going through
the motions, but were neither cleansed nor sanctified.
Thus, it seems that we
can fall into one of three camps: First, we can respond like those who would
hear the message that Isaiah preached. We can reject the message and harden our
hearts, to our own condemnation. Second, we can respond like the professional
holy men of Isaiah’s day, going through the motions but experiencing no inward
cleansing, no sanctification. Again, this is done to our own demise. The third
option is to respond like Isaiah did, allow God to cleanse our hearts and
sanctify us, and then use us for service.
How about you? How will you respond to God’s holiness? No
one is exempt from responding to the message of God’s holiness, yourself
included. The question is not whether you will respond, but how you will
respond. You have three options. There is no fourth. First, you can respond
like the professional holy men of Isaiah’s day, who go through the ritual but
do not cry for heart cleansing. You can go through the motions, but experience
no cleansing and no sanctification. You will thus be in no state to be used by
God. Second, you can respond like those who heard the message of Isaiah. You
can respond like those who rejected his message and hardened their hearts to
their own demise. These also rejected the need for cleansing and
sanctification. None of these were able to respond as Isaiah did, which is the
final option. You can respond like Isaiah, ask God to cleanse and sanctify you
and, when He does, cry “Here am I, send me!”
If you would like to
respond like Isaiah did, the first thing to do is to examine your heart. Pray
with the Psalmist, “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my
anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the
way everlasting.” Let God reveal to you the things in your heart that need
changed, and let Him purge away those things and sanctify you. Then you will be
fit to respond as Isaiah did, “Here am I! Send me.”
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